All photos will be printed onto high quality photo paper with your choice of five premium textures and can be placed in an MCS Format frame for shipping.
We can place 'group' photos into albums for you.
CALL: 864-921-2714 If no answer- Please leave a message.
EMAIL: ThunderbirdPhotos@icloud.com

We can accept most photos by email - enlarge, reproduce, enhance, make color book or comic book from your photos. Even add a Bible verse or a quotation right on the photo.
We can receive your old favorite photos by regular mail and return them postage free.
--"Turn your cell pics into beautiful full size photographs!"--
Good photo on your phone?
Wish you could have it enlarged?Maybe an 8x10 or even a 13x19? And then framed?
This is an example of what Thunderbird Photos can do for your cell phone pictures. This was a poor quality photo taken with an iphone4, emailed to us, then corrected and enlarged to a framed 13x19 and then shipped, postage free.
Many old black & white photos look washed out, faded
and just blah!
Thunderbird can revive and
enhance them to make grandma young again!
Add Scripture Verses, Sayings, Dates/Names, or Any Wordage You May Like!
"This solar eclipse of August 21st. 2017 looked pretty crummy on my iPhone 6plus.
I had Thunderbird Photo enlarge and enhance this 8x10 with Isaiah 13:10, as you can see to the right. I decided to frame it myself with an old but expensive picture frame I purchased from an estate sale.
I have had so many complements as folks enter my office and see it hanging proudly over my desk." lrw-4/6/19

From a Satisfied Customer
This was a real challenge as there were some tree limbs as well as a flag in the picture. They were barely visible, however, just enough to take the focus off the moon. The shot was actually taken about one minute after full eclipse but we think it really added to the effectiveness of the photo as you can just barely see a hint of light 'sneaking out' at about 'one o'clock'.
--Thunderbird Photos--
There is the option to send us photos by U.S.P.S. mail for restoration and enlargement

This new mother sent us a photo she clipped in order to fit in her wallet. "I know it's wrinkled and kinda dirty but do you think Thunderbird Photos can make a 19x13 of me and my baby?"
Well, young lady -- here is your answer.
She later sent us this photo holding the beautiful 19x13 we printed and framed for her.

A few months later the same customer sent us an email wanting us to take a 10x8 color photo to downsize and make several wallet size, looking like a black & white sketch drawing. No problemo! (We noticed whoever took this was able to get both subjects to look in opposite directions.)
Great effect!

Some 'Once in a Lifetime' shots are on your cell phone!

The World Series - 2018
October 28th, 2018. The Boston Red Sox defeated the LA Dodgers at Dodger Stadium.
The picture on the left was taken just five minutes after the Red Sox won. A once-in-a-lifetime photo for these guys. And, because of the stadium lighting, it was ruined!
Or, was it? Tbird Photos received this
just minutes after it was taken with the request,
"Can you please help my 'dream' photo?
Sure we can! And the outcome was a beautiful full-sized 11x14 refurbished and framed picture.
The letter that followed read, "Thanks, Tbird. I have placed my 'once-in-a- lifetime' photo in the foyer; right where anyone who enters my home will be looking at the 'Winning Pose'.
This was taken while standing in line at a
Wal-Mart checkout. Any sayings or statement may be added to your photo.

This beautiful double rainbow came to Tbird in the mail as a 5x5. The pic was perfect to make into a 17x11 with a scripture verse applicable to the picture. This panorama could be made because of the wide angle scene.
If Your Photos Aren't Becoming to You - Then They Should Be Comming To US!
Grandchildren love comics; especially when
they are in them!
Here's Boomer & Rocky at Grandpa's
choo-choo lamp.

Now they're both in a comic book with several of their buddies.
Comic books are a simi-hardcover spiral type with any number of pages. They can be of any size from 4x6 to an 81/2x11. Pages may contain photos or texts with any number of options. Let your design be original.

Sure, this is a pretty girl - but - something is just not quite right.

First, she looks kind of sad. So let's
change that frown into a smile. And perhaps a little lipstick.
Next, how about a pretty blue jacket.
And, maybe a brighter shirt.
Then, we need to get rid of the
magazine she is holding.
OK, how is that? Not quite!
Let's give her brown eyes and an earring to match the jacket.
What a difference just a few small adjustments can make!

Even good photos can use a little Tbird help. School photos, sports photos, wedding, graduation, Christmas, all photos you want to keep - and show. Better than ever !

"I'm telling you girls -- it was this big"!
what about that
'fish story' you keep
telling all your fishing
buddies. Now you can
'prove it' -- with a little
help from Tbird

Hey guys -- what a trout!
it's just not
possible to get
everyone into the
picture. Or to get
someone else out of
the scene.
Where's Billy?
Adding or removing an object? It looks like Billy missed the Ice Cream Truck.
Not to worry. We can add him from another photograph.
In this photo,
Billy was late for
the photo shot. We
later took a photo of
Billy (with ice cream) and added him to the scene.
Here's Billy !

Is there really a little fisherman in this print? Or - is this an illusion Tbird Photo added? Who knows?

Most any object can be placed anywhere in your photo. Pretty neat-huh?

Here is a clue. Surely there aren't three little fishermen -- are there?
A telephone call to Thunderbird Photos (864-921-2714):
Hello, Sir--We recently had a fire in our den. Our house was saved, however, there were many of our things destroyed including the family photo album. Most of the photos can be replaced by copies my two brothers have but there was only one of the three of us taken at our grandma's house many years ago. The picture is badly faded and some of it has actually melted. If I send you the photo would you please see if you can make it worth framing. If not, I understand but I hope you can at least make it a 'good memory' again. Thank you for trying to help us. We would like three 4x6s or 5x7s.....
Bad, Sad, & Crummy prints can most often be restored.

As you can see, the original probably wasn't all that great to start with. The color is certainly washed out--the faces are blurred (probably from heat), and there is a border on two sides only. Un-fixable? Not for Thunderbird Photos. A little work and some magic--and--Three brothers at grandmas house, again.
Tbird Photo has many designs for your church or organization documents. Here we have completed a Membership Directory for a church.

Your church
can be —
with the help of

Let Tbird make your cafe or restaurant menu
We can even make a Cook Book for your church or

The photo below was originally taken by an iPhone 4, Sent to Tbird in a text message. An eMail is preferred, however, the customer was not able to do so. The size of the photo was only 95k. Could it be made into an 14x11? Here's the proof!


This marshland pier is actually only 8 feet long.But, with the magic of T-bird Photo, it can 'go on' forever. When enlarged to an 8x10, or even larger, what a beautiful picture for your den wall.
You just never know when a great photo opportunity pops into view. That's one way a cell phone camera is such a good invention.But—will your shots stay on your phone forever? How about a 'hard copy'?
can do that!

One of the coolest features we get asked to do is for taking those old Black & White photos and either fixing it up to original status or even 'work our magic' to create a natural looking COLOR photo. Below is an example of a customer's pitiful old childhood photo on the right. It could have been turned into a flawless B & W like original, but she wanted to have it made into a 'new colored' picture. In a situation like this, it helps the customer to give us the color of clothing, houses, other articles in the photo, even the background.